MSD Policies
117 Promotion and Retention Policy (Elementary and Middle Schools)
Instruction 117 Promotion and Retention Policy
The Board of School Committee and the Manchester School District, as legal and professional entities, have the inherent responsibility in the determination of the promotion policies of the school. In the spirit of cooperation between the school system and the parents in the community, parental involvement is mandated in cases of possible retention; however, the final determination lies with the Manchester School District.
Acceleration is the advancement of a student by more than one grade beyond the current grade level and will follow the same process outlined in this retention policy.
Promotion is the single grade step most students take from year to year.
Retention allows a student to repeat all or part of a grade in order to more fully prepare for the work of the next grade.
The Manchester School District is dedicated to the continuous development of each student enrolled in our district from school entrance until high school graduation. Certified staff shall place students at the grade level best suited to them academically, socially, and emotionally. Normally students will progress from grade to grade or level to level. Exceptions may be made if such exceptions are in the best interest of the student after ongoing discussions with the parent/guardian.
Promotion, retention, and acceleration decisions will be based on how a student is showing evidence of progress in meeting grade-level standards established and other relevant factors, including social, emotional, physical, and mental growth, past academic performance, behavior, motivation, and attendance.
Students who may be at risk and may need extra help or who learn differently will be identified early in the academic process through informal assessment techniques to understand how students approach learning. Once teachers identify the problems then evidence-based personalized learning will be put in place through multi-tiered systems of support based on data-driven interventions to meet their unique learning needs.
On occasion, it may be necessary to retain a student. Once a student is identified as a possible candidate for retention services, the school shall implement the instruction process's response to intervention within the classroom. If it is determined that the school must retain a student, no more than two retentions at each level, elementary and middle, may occur, except as required under RSA 193-C:3. If, after one retention, the child is still not performing to their potential at that grade level, the school shall put an individual learning plan in place.
The following procedures are established when a student is being considered for retention. The procedure is to ensure continuous communication between the school and the student/parent or guardian regarding the student's progress in achieving grade-level standards.
Elementary School: Grades Kindergarten – 4, 5
Students need to show sufficient evidence of progress in the grade-level standards to be required to participate in tiered intervention programs, before/after school programming, and/or a school-sponsored summer program before being promoted to the next grade. If the student still needs to demonstrate competency after participating in these programs. The school will develop a plan to address these areas of academic need either in the next grade or through retention. The principal has the final say in grade-level placement.
Communication with parent(s) shall commence as soon as it is apparent that the student is in jeopardy of being retained.
At the time of the second-trimester progress report, the school shall notify students and parents if the student is in jeopardy of being retained. The teacher and principal shall send a "Notification of Potential Retention-Form I" to alert them of the possibility of retention, and a meeting will be scheduled. A course of action shall be agreed upon for the remainder of the school year. The course of action will include participation in tiered intervention programs, tutoring, and/or before/after school programming.
Teacher-parent communication shall monitor and track the student's progress, performance, and response to new curriculum components. The tiered intervention plan will include a data review every six weeks of the intervention (s).
A full team of teachers/staff (core teachers, unified arts, guidance counselor, special education, ELL, etc.) shall review each student's educational record and complete the "Retention Consideration Information Form."
Areas for discussion and consideration shall include but will not be limited to:
Academic Grades/Achievement
State and Local Assessments
School Attendance (See Student Attendance Policy-Students 101.1)
Chronological Age
Social Development
Evaluative and Clinical Information
Physical Growth
Record of Retention
Existence of Disability
The decision to retain a student with an educational disability under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) or disability under Section 504 shall rest with the student's Individual Education Program Team or 504 Team, as outlined in Section 56341 of the Education Code and Title 20, United States Code Section 1414(d)(1)(B). The decision to retain cannot be based on English proficiency, EL eligibility, and/or the number of years in the country.
By the end of May, after the progress report is sent out, a second letter, "Notification of Potential Retention-Form II," shall be mailed to the parent(s). This form is sent to parents to inform them that the educational team is considering retention. The school shall place a copy of the document in the student's cumulative file. The school will send all the intervention data and results to the family. A copy will be made for the file.
In June, a recommendation shall be made by the academic team. The building principal will review all the data of tutoring interventions, tiered support, and before and after school reports with their Network Director and notify the parent/guardian in writing on the "Notification of Retention-Form III." The school holds a meeting to review data with the parents. Should the parent disagree with the building principal's decision, the parent may appeal to the Superintendent to consider reversing the building principal's decision.
The parent(s) and principal shall sign the "Notification of Retention-Form III." A copy of this form shall be provided to the parent(s) and placed in the student's cumulative file.
The team shall develop written individual learning plans for each retained student to identify the educational programming to be provided to the student during the year of retention. All plans must be submitted to the SAU no later than June 30th. Before retention, the school must consider summer programming.
A student who is not eligible for retention based on a comprehensive background review shall be assigned to the next grade level with interventions in place.
Written individual learning plans must also be developed for each student assigned to the next grade level.
Middle School: Grades 6 – 8
To be promoted to the next grade, students need to demonstrate competency in all core academic areas (reading, English/language arts, mathematics, science, and social studies).
A student who has yet to demonstrate competency in the academic core will be required to attend a competency/standard completion program to be considered for promotion. This may include participation in the school's summer program.
If a student needs to demonstrate competency by the end of the competency/standard program, the school will develop a plan which will outline how the student will reach competency. This plan may require retention. The principal has the final say in grade-level placement.
If a middle school student reaches the age of fifteen (15) before demonstrating eighth (8th) grade competencies/standards, the student, his/her parents, and the middle school administration will meet with officials from the High School administration to develop a plan. Options in the plan may include participation in a competency/standard completion program, summer school, in-school support classes, after-school tutoring, modifications to high school course selections, and/or single-semester retention.
Communication with parent(s) shall commence as soon as it is apparent that the student is in jeopardy of being retained.
As grades are determined for each marking period, middle school principals shall maintain a printout of all course failures. Students who have earned a grade of "F" in core subjects shall see their school counselor after the first quarter. The school shall notify parents of the meeting with the counselor. (IMPORTANT NOTE: A grade of "F" is set to a minimum numerical score of 50 for all calculated averages.)
Students and parents shall be notified if the student is in jeopardy of being retained after the second-quarter report cards are issued. The teacher and principal shall send a "Notification of Potential Retention-Form I" to parents to alert them of the possibility of retention. The school shall place a copy of the form in the student's cumulative file. A course of action shall be agreed upon for the remainder of the school year. The course of action will include participation in tiered intervention programs, tutoring, and/or before/after school programming.
In February, the building-level administrative team and guidance staff shall determine those students who are in jeopardy of failing at least two (2) academic subjects for the school year. The academic team and guidance counselor shall complete a file review of the student who is at risk.
Teacher-parent communication shall continue to monitor the child's progress, performance, and response to new components of the curriculum. The school will send all the intervention data and results to the family. A copy will be made for the file.
A full team of teachers/staff (core teachers, unified arts, guidance counselor, special education, ELL, etc.) shall review each student's academic profile and complete the "Retention Information Consideration Form."
Areas for discussion and consideration shall include but will not be limited to:
Academic Grades/Achievement
State and Local Assessments
School Attendance (See Student Attendance Policy-Students 101.1)
Chronological Age
Social Development
Evaluative and Clinical Information
Physical Growth
Record of Retention
Existence of Disability
The decision to retain a student with an educational disability under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) or disability under Section 504 shall rest with the student's Individual Education Program Team or 504 Team. The decision to retain cannot be based on English proficiency, EL eligibility, and/or the number of years in the country.
By the end of May, after the progress report is sent out, a second letter, "Notification of Potential Retention-Form II," shall be sent to the parent(s). This form is sent to parents to inform them that the educational team is considering retention in June. The school shall place a copy of the document in the student's cumulative file. The school will send all the intervention data and results to the family. A copy will be made for the file.
In June, a recommendation shall be made by the academic team. The building administrator reviews all the data of interventions of tutoring tiered support and before and after school reports with their Network Director and shall notify the parent/guardian in writing on the "Notification of Retention-Form III" which is placed in the student's cumulative file and schedule an in-person meeting to review. Should the parent disagree with the building principal's decision, the parent(s) can appeal to the Superintendent.
Written individual learning plans shall be developed for all students who are retained that will identify the educational programming to be provided to the student during the year of retention. All plans must be submitted to the SAU no later than June 30th. Prior to retention, the schools must consider summer programming.
If a student is not eligible for retention based on a comprehensive background review, he/she shall be assigned to the next grade level.
Written individual learning plans must be developed for all students assigned to the next grade level. This may include a mid-year promotion contract.
High School (Grades 9-12)
Promotion shall be based on a student's academic performance that indicates they are achieving at or near grade levels. However, exceptions to a student's academic performance include background, disability status, English language status, and intellectual capacity/ability.
Excessive absenteeism shall be considered in determining the retention of a student, and attendance plans will be cross-referenced.
High school promotion requirements are outlined in Policy Instruction 127
Revised from: July 1998; November 1999; July 2004; May 2008; May 2014 (changes only to legal references); 02/11/2002; 6/14/2010 (addition of regulations to policy); 11/26/2018; 5/29/2013; 2/13/2023.
First Reading Teaching and Learning: 02/11/2025
Second Reading and Approval BOSC: 03/10/2025
( Title 2 enacted by Stats. 1976, Ch. 1010. )
( Division 4 enacted by Stats. 1976, Ch. 1010. )